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Here is a short summary of June!! Some weeks later but it gives a glimpse of my summer. So far, it has included a short visit to Sundsvall to celebrate midsummer (Carlos's first!! 8 years later, haha...), my grandparents anniversary and my birthday. The days at home were filled with sun, friends, good bbqs and food, great family quality time and swimming in the pool! :) I miss home...

A good friend of mine also came visiting to Copenhagen over a weekend! We did some touristing biking around town, checking out Amalienborg, Rosenborg castle, and Torvehallerna. We also got some great food at the Italian... yum for the lime pie dessert! :) There was also a bit of drama with Carlitos bike accident, it ended happily without injuries but required a stop at the hospital at midnight. Happy June and memories! Now on to mid-July and hopefully another awesome weekend... :)

Time to run

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The weekend has been running by literally. Friday evening started by me taking a 10 km run while waiting for Carlitos to arrive back home from his conference in Trondheim. The weather was also kind of nice and we're starting to have the first warmer summer days. It was actually my first run outside this year... depressing. While still being in the mood for running, Carlitos and I went for a 10 km run on Saturday as well. I survived, it was quite painful... my muscles are still aching badly, haha and it costed a couple of blisters, but it's all for the better and the fun of running. :)

Saturday was also celebrated by making home-made tacos and watching a feel-good movie "McFarland" which is like a new "Remember the Titans" but for cross-country running. Tomorrow is a new day at the office and I really hope I can walk without looking like a wobbly duck, haha... 

We're alive

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Birthday cake!

Best fish tacos ever in Stockholm!

Mini-Bates reunion!
Drottningholm castle in Stockholm!
Time just flies by! I've realized I haven't posted anything here for some time... we're still alive! It's just been busy times during the spring. During the past weeks Carlos and I celebrated Carlos' birthday, been in Stockholm two weekends in a row for a 30th birthday celebration, and seen good friends (I can't believe it was 3 years since we met last time!!). In addition, we've been swamped with work but hopefully that will ease as the summer is approaching. :)

Today is just a chillin' Sunday, we're trying to catch up on things (and gym-visits, hehe) before a new week is taking off and Carlos is leaving for Trondheim in Norway. He's off to a geology conference... it will rock! (Haha!) 

An eventful weekend in Copenhagen

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It's been an eventful weekend in Copenhagen because of the attacks, and yesterday more than 30 000 people participated in the memorial ceremony and manifestation against the terrorism. Carlos and I haven't noticed too much of what happened, but we've also spent the majority of the weekend at home (luckily, perhaps). Many people are talking about what happened in the usually calm and safe Copenhagen, but hopefully the police and society can help to prevent future terror events and help to turn the unfortunate trend of more terrorism. The Local Government Denmark (LGDK) that is safeguarding common interests of the municipalities and ensures that the local authorities are provided with up-to-date information have been in meetings non-stop since Saturday. They have their offices right in front of our apartment and they've been in meeting 24/7, after midnight and at 6 in the mornings... They are working like crazy in this situation. Hopefully things will change for the better, may there be more peace. :) 

Welcome to Sweden!

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Snowstorm in Stockholm!

Snowstorm in Sundsvall!

Lots of snow & wind, haha!
While Carlitos is defying gravity, almost literally, I'm entertaining myself by going on a Sweden tour. I've spend the past couple of days and the weekend in Stockholm to see some friends and spend time with my sister. I haven't been in Stockholm since August so it was a good opportunity to see everyone again, as it doesn't happen too often. ;) It's was also great timing to catch the sales and a huge snowstorm, haha! Today, I've managed to move further up north to Sundsvall! There's even more snow and a bigger snowstorm here... i'm being followed by the snow & storm.  Hopefully, I can manage to get outside the house tomorrow, visit family and go to the gym - today I'm more stuck inside! 

A new year - new opportunities

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The last weeks of the year was spent in a sunny Mexico instead in a cold and snow-covered Sundsvall. We saw some Bates friends, hung out with Carlos' family and friends, went to family gatherings, ate lots of tacos, celebrated christmas and new years... and spent several hours in the sun on the rooftop! We've just arrived back home to a cold Copenhagen, i really miss the sunny weather, tacos, and yummy tropical fruits... but it's ok - a new year means new opportunities! :)

A small pre-halloween update

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A classic grey & rainy sunday... :(
I'm extremely sore today, i woke up feeling like I've been run over by a truck! I guess that what happens when you're getting back in shape and actually have time to work out again after too much work and thesis writing. It's a good but somewhat painful sign, haha! This evening has therefore been spent in the sofa, i'm not moving more than necessary. I can give a small update of the weekend instead, maybe that's a bit more exciting. October is here with some really grey and rainy weather! :( Despite the rain, we went to Tivoli to hang out with friends and Carlos' geology colleagues. I haven't seen Tivoli at halloween before even though I've been living in Cph for almost 3 years but it's quite cozy with all the pumpkins and candles, it for sure reminds me of halloween back in the old college years! Maybe it's about time to carve some pumpkins and go halloween crazy, hehe... I at least managed to bake some pumpkin bread yesterday and I guess that's as far I come for now for halloween. Since the rain was pouring yesterday I refused to go outside, with the exception of a visit to the gym, and stayed at home to bake all day. As a result the fridge & freezer is filled with the healthy pumpkin bread, cinnamon buns, chocolate snacks, and veggie "meatballs" made of cauliflower and broccoli... yummy food and no need to cook during the week, a win-win situation! ;)

A Toughest weekend

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It's been a different kind of tough weekend as the Toughest tour made it to Copenhagen. It's a 8 km long obstacle course with 42 challenges where Carlos competed in team with 3 friends. I was more there in the form of moral support and to spend time with friends. Do I need to mentioned that Saturday evening was spent in the sofa chillin' with a movie and pizza take out?! Someone also woke up quite sore today, and it was not me, haha... ;)

Today has been a bit less eventful, it's been more filled with cooking and the usual weekend chores while Carlos been working at the university. I also went to the gym working out for real today after recovering from the cold I caught in Riga. It's so nice to be back at the gym, I have a lot to catch up on after not working out for more than a month filled with travels. As a bonus I was able to get a cheaper membership for the same access to the gym. Wohooo! Me like! :)

I just saw that they're showing the movie Contagion on the tv, it's seems a bit to obvious and strategic with regards to the ongoing Ebola outbreak. The movie is a bit extreme, but maybe also not too outrageously far away from reality. Sad but true...

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