Welcome to Sweden!

Snowstorm in Stockholm!

Snowstorm in Sundsvall!

Lots of snow & wind, haha!
While Carlitos is defying gravity, almost literally, I'm entertaining myself by going on a Sweden tour. I've spend the past couple of days and the weekend in Stockholm to see some friends and spend time with my sister. I haven't been in Stockholm since August so it was a good opportunity to see everyone again, as it doesn't happen too often. ;) It's was also great timing to catch the sales and a huge snowstorm, haha! Today, I've managed to move further up north to Sundsvall! There's even more snow and a bigger snowstorm here... i'm being followed by the snow & storm.  Hopefully, I can manage to get outside the house tomorrow, visit family and go to the gym - today I'm more stuck inside! 

This entry was posted on måndag 12 januari 2015. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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