Finally a weekend back home

Packing kits for Liberia.

Soon ready for shipment - the kits will be delivered later this week.

BBQ time!

Home-made coconut ice-cream
I'm finally spending a weekend at home after being away for a month! It's been a crazy time, lots of fun but also hard work. I'm therefore really enjoying being back home and for the first time having a weekend with no work, thesis and not many plans. I could also sleep in for the first time today in a long time and it was even better to wake up knowing that there were no plans for the day. Yesterday was a bit more busy since Carlos and I volunteered to pack kits that will be sent to Liberia as a response to the Ebola crisis and help families when taking care sick family members. Great cause and an opportunity to work with other nice UN colleagues! :) The evening was spent bbq-ing, making home-made coconut ice-cream (yum!!) and watching a movie. I got my kitchen aid as a birthday present in June but never got a chance to use it until now because of all the travels so a good amount of my time has been spent baking and cooking this weekend. Love it! The fall is always a good time to be cozy and spend time in the kitchen, i have a bunch of recipes I should try... Yum!

This entry was posted on söndag 21 september 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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