dear balcony

Improvised sunshade 
Saturday evening studies
Home-made healthy chocolate balls for energy re-charge!
It's been another weekend filled with studying, but luckily there are only 2 more weekends to go before the thesis is handed in and I can return to being a normal and socially functioning human being. On Friday, I finally got the pillows that I ordered for the sofa on the balcony, and since we've had nice 20 degree weather the majority of the studying has been done while camping on the balcony (with improvised sun protection for the computer). Meanwhile studying I've been entertained by the neighbors kids going bananas in the back yard, listened to the wedding party on the other side of the street on Saturday evening and inhaled tons of bbq smoke, haha. Now, at least a first draft of the whole thesis is completed... 140 pages later, and we have smaller details to amend before it's finalized. I look VERY much forward to some rest and a normal life when the thesis is submitted. It now feels like I have a fried brain that can't function normally and really understand that I'll soon graduate from my Master's... Hopefully, some (or lots of) home-made healthy chocolate balls and a bit of sleep will help and give energy for another intensive week at work! :)

This entry was posted on söndag 25 maj 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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