May bonfires & no voice

I'm missing the Swedish holiday and spring celebrations with the May bonfires and the 1st of May labour day. I can barely remember when I was in Sweden and say the bonfires the last time, maybe it has happened one since 2006. Well, that's the life of living abroad and working according to UN/international holidays!

For the past 3 days I've had no voice, the infection from the weekend seem to have stolen it! I've been sounding like a croaking donkey since Monday, barely been able to speak with Carlitos, my family and colleagues. I must seem anti-social not being very talkative at work or able to respond at a "hi". It's a bit funny though since when I try to talk it doesn't sound like anything near my normal voice so when Carlitos came home the other day hearing a "hi" it sounded like a stranger was in the apartment, haha! :) It's quite annoying and frustrating not being able to speak much so I hope to get the voice back soon. If any of you tries to call me don't be surprised the voice sounds different when I answer, haha... 

This entry was posted on onsdag 30 april 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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