
The weekend has been flying by as usual! I've mostly been wringing on my thesis this weekend since the deadline is coming closer and closer and with a full time job the time will fly by really fast, which is both good and bad (cannot wait to be done). After writing for a couple of hours I went for my mandatory weekend workout, a 10,5 km run around the water. :) When I returned Carlitos had, for the unusualness, spoiled me and cooked enchiladas for dinner. That doesn't happen too often... Now, I'm actually taking some relaxing, eating healthy chocolate treats and reading some of the books I bought in Stockholm last weekend. I don't think I've read a book "just for fun" for the past 2,5 years because of my Master's studies but now I'm finally getting back to it. First out is a modern rhetoric/psychology book and the I quit sugar cookbook for healthier baking and snacks recipes. :) 

This entry was posted on söndag 23 mars 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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