
Half-the week has passed already, I can't believe it! I just saw the other day that there is a half-marathon here in Copenhagen this weekend. They've put posters all over down-town which I bike by every day to work. Seeing at the running activities for the half-marathon almost triggers a marathon-abstinence! I'm very happy I ran the Stockholm marathon last year and I'm sure I'll do it again once the thesis is done. Even without a planned marathon, I can easily run 50 km per week as since I just like to run (especially with some good music)... Ooooops! Good thing I didn't know about the half-marathon earlier and that the tickets are sold out since I don't have time for such events at the moment. :)

This entry was posted on onsdag 26 mars 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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