Apartment upgrade

Yesterday Carlos and I made an effort and went to IKEA to buy some things for the apartment, especially a new comfy sofa for the balcony. The café chair and table we have gives you back pain after 15 min so it's not too pleasant if you want to sit outside in the summers and enjoy a book, study or bbq, it could also explain why it was so cheap when we bought it. It took us all day, it takes maybe 1 h to get there and 1,5 h to get back home since we made it to the city just right when the half-marathon ended. Great! LOTS of people! I believe almost 30 000 people ran it. Anyway, we made it back home just in time to have the IKEA things delivered. Too complicated to bring 15 kg of balcony sofa on the bus and train. :)

Then, today it's been all about putting together the stuff and the sofa on the balcony. IKEA is great but sometimes you just want to curse all the screws and pieces after putting things together for 3 hours and there's a couple of mm that doesn't fit perfectly together... Ahhhh! I got it all together at least so now we're all set for the spring and summer. It helped that we had 15 degrees and sun on the balcony and I could be outside in t-shirt and flip flops. :) We also have green plants again in the apartment! There must have been a "manufacturing flaw" with the other plant, haha, or Carlos and I are just hopeless at keeping the plants alive, which could explain why we only have 2 of them. ;) Good thing I don't work as a gardener... 

This entry was posted on söndag 30 mars 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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